At the age of 2, our CEO, Ramya started dance — ballet, tap, and the Indian Classical Dance form Kuchipudi. She fell in love with the artistry, and discipline required for mastery. It gave her something to strive towards. Over time though, it became an outlet when she needed one. It became a way of healing and releasing. When completing her rangapravesam, she did a senior dance thesis on PTSD and dance, learning that dance can offer many physical and emotional benefits.

Fast forward a decade and she was exposed to animation. Immediately enamored, she took Intermediate animation and began her journey as an amateur animator. She used these two passions — dance and animation to create a novel health intervention approach to discuss topics like domestic violence, and youth mental health.

The merging of these two art forms saved her, inspired her, and gave her a purpose. Now, she hopes that it can help you heal, too.

Apart from healing, she’s used this technique to spark conversations, raise awareness, and train students. She’s now ready to have separate workshops for community providers.

Are you intrigued? Join in and try it out.


Are you a Provider? Healthcare? Legal? HR? Do you better want to understand the people around you through a completely new, unique lens? Join a provider workshop to expand your thinking, improve your processes, and reduce discrimination and bias.

Are you a Saurya Survivor? Have you experienced violence? Loss or grief? Stress? A new transition? You’re a survivor. First of all, congratulations for making it through a hard period of your life, a moment, or a season. It’s not a walk in the park, and just because we do it, doesn’t mean we’ve processed it or healed. Are you ready to explore these feelings through art? Tell your story? Try something new? Join a survivor healing workshop.

More information coming soon! If you’re interested, or know someone who may be, sign up below to stay informed.


Basic dance knowledge, terms, and techniques from around the world. 2D animation techniques and how to merge the two — how do we animate movement? How do we tell our story this way?

Script development, and how to tell your story in a way that makes you feel safest and the most supported! For providers, we go through examples of scripts, and films that we created frame by frame to understand stories, experiences, etc backed by research without exposing anonymity.


Stay informed about our upcoming workshop dates by signing up for updates. Don't miss out on upcoming sessions—sign up now!